
Change is an inevitable and constant part of life, influencing individuals, organizations, and societies alike. While the prospect of change can evoke a mix of emotions, understanding the science and psychology behind it, and embracing a transpersonal perspective can pave the way for a smoother transition. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of embracing change, exploring the theories, processes, and psychological aspects that underpin our ability to adapt and thrive in the face of transformation.

Recently we shared a post about the change our organization, and by proxy me, have been facing. It’s triggered a range of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to anxiety, fear, anger, resistance and even grief. Psychologically, this response is rooted in our innate fear of the unknown and the comfort we find in familiarity.

Until the past few generations, most people’s lives stayed very much the same from beginning to end. People grew up where their parents had grown up, did the work their parents had done, and believed and knew the things previous generations had believed and known. Change, when it came, was generally an aberration and a danger.

Things have certainly changed (pun intended). We now live in a world where major changes happen from moment to moment, whether it be sociologically, politically, economically, environmentally, or organizationally. So, we must learn to re-wire ourselves, to be more emotionally flexible, comfortable, and open to change. Of course, saying this is much easier than actually doing it!

Change involves uncovering things that have been concealed and discovering or re-discovering things hidden from sight. From a transpersonal perspective, we are caught in a cosmic moment turning over, in which both destruction and creation are involved, and one can turn into the other in a moment. Familiar structures collapse, and once vital systems fall apart, yet forgotten patterns and barely imagined designs can be on the verge of being revealed if we’re willing to look.

It’s natural to feel a sense of discomfort, and understanding our emotional reactions is an important step toward embracing change. It will allow us to approach it with a more open and accepting mindset and help us acknowledge where we are in the process and provide insight into our readiness and resilience in the face of it all.

As you’ve no doubt heard us say time and again, humans are inherently social beings, so connection and the support of others can significantly impact this journey. From family and friends to colleagues and communities, a robust support system provides encouragement, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging. The social psychology of change emphasizes the importance of collaboration and mutual support in navigating transformative journeys.

From a neuroscience perspective, the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize, known as neuroplasticity, is a key factor in embracing change. Engaging in new experiences, learning, and challenging oneself fosters neural connections that enhance adaptability; therefore, it becomes a cognitive exercise that strengthens the brain’s capacity to navigate the unknown.

It’s a multidimensional process that involves the intricate interplay of psychology, science, and transpersonal philosophy. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of our lives, change brings an opportunity for transformation and renewal. It becomes a journey of self-discovery and growth.

For us here at Clearmind, our mission has been to make Love an action. To Love Out Loud. As we step into this new and unknown space we are being asked again to turn and face ourselves. To embrace the fear, the anger, the grief, the perceived failures, the resistance, the beauty, the joy… the full human experience. The less we awaken to who we are in essence, the greater the amount of fear in the world becomes. If we are to find some way through the cascade of crises that currently threaten the world, we must face our deepest fears, open our hearts, and begin to see with visionary eyes. When the inner eyes of our hearts and souls open, we begin to see the world as we were intended to see it, and in so doing, find ways of transforming our lives that also help to transform this troubled world.

Love can be gentle when care is needed, but fierce when change is required. Despite all that is disheartening, because of all the pain, fear, and loss, it is time to become true agents of change in order to help transform the world. When in touch with what we love our hearts will become young again. Love is greater than hate, love tips the world towards ongoing creation and new possibilities, and what we truly love is the cure.