
We have been deeply moved by the protests that have been taking place across the globe. At Clearmind, we believe in the fundamental importance of real, authentic connection, which cannot take place where one party is unable to see another as fully human due to the internalization of racist ideologies. As people and as an organization, we emphatically repeat: #BlackLivesMatter, #IndigenousLivesMatter.

While we may believe that we are not racist, or “don’t see race,” the truth is that we are all born into a society with a long history of racial oppression, and one where racial hierarchies continue to exist and be perpetuated. Sadly this is as true of Canada as it is of the United States, particularly in our treatment of our First Nations. Being anti-racist requires active un-learning, which will take place over an entire lifetime. Many of the skills necessary for unlearning racist structures are the same ones that are necessary for having courageous conversations at home. It means lowering our defenses to listen to hard truths, empathetic listening, and acting from a place of compassion. It is vital that we as mental health professionals do this important work so that we can serve justice for our clients and communities. It is vital that we do this important work so that we can speak out about racism in all of its forms and work toward material change.

As a company, we commit to continually educating ourselves about white privilege and institutional racism so that we may better serve the needs of our community; we will continue to hold space for members of affected communities that need to share and process their experiences; and we will remain open, as always, to feedback on how we can improve as an organization that stands in solidarity with marginalized voices. Our current focus point in this regard is active use of inclusive language. We commit to staying open, curious, and making any and all adjustments required to be an organization that offers respect and acceptance for all.

– Catherine, Duane and the Clearmind Team.